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Capistrano Avenue Elementary

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Lucy-in-Space Contest

Lucy-in-Space Contest
2/22/2021 3/16/2021

Deadline:  March 16, 2021
Lucy-in-Space Contest

Led by:  Institute of Human Origins

Winners announced in May 2021.
Details:  Contest Details for grade levels:  5-8 and 9-12

Middle school students will design a “mission patch” showing how the process of evolution on Earth may parallel the evolution of the solar system and explain the patch design with a poem or short essay.

High school students will create a message to any future finders of the Lucy spacecraft, which will likely orbit the sun for more than one million years and could be recovered by our descendants in the distant future. The message, in the form of original artwork or short video and an essay or poem, should highlight humankind’s drive to explore, discover, and understand our origins on Earth and in the solar system. Entries should emphasize the connection between the discovery of the Lucy fossil and NASA’s Lucy space mission.

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