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Science Fair Day is Friday, January 26, 2018!

Dear Parents and Guardians:


We are excited to announce our


Third Annual Capistrano Avenue Elementary School Science Fair!


This year’s Science Fair will be held on Friday, January 26, 2018. All Science Fair displays are due to your teacher on Monday, January 22, 2018.


This packet will be helpful to you and your child in constructing a successful science project. It includes experiment ideas and an example of what a completed science board should look like.  Parents are encouraged to help their children with this science project and experiment, such as purchasing materials and design ideas. However, the majority of the work needs to be completed and written by the students!


Please have your child follow the scientific method to develop a science investigation/experiment.


  1. Question: What do I want to find out by conducting my experiment?
  2. Hypothesis: What do I think will happen? Make your best guess about what you think the answer to your question will be.
  3. Materials: What items do I need to complete my experiment?
  4. Method: What steps will I take to complete my experiment? (You should have at least five steps minimum).
  5. Results/Data: What actually happened in the experiment? Record all observations. (Charts, graphs, or pictures need to be included).
  6. Conclusion: Was your original hypothesis correct or not? Did your experiment answer your original question? How could you do it differently to improve the experiment?


These are some examples of appropriate Science Fair Explorations:

  • Does salt melt ice?
  • How to make a lemon powered battery?
  • What is the fastest way to cool a soda?
  • Exploring rock densities
  • What colors are birds attracted to?
  • How does smell affect taste?
  • Is it a fruit or a veggie?
  • What is condensation?
  • How does glacier movement affect the earth?
  • How long will your trash bag live?
  • Does carbon dioxide raise the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere?
  • Where does your food come from?
  • Is horse manure a possible energy source in a crisis?
  • Do gas stations cause soil pollution?
  • How much can one family reduce their garbage?
  • How do leaves breathe?
  • Resources: Natural vs. manmade?
  • Where does our trash go?
  • Design a water catchment system
  • What is renewable energy?
  •  Explore solar powered salt removal


All participating students will be given the opportunity to present their science project to their classmates.  All students who participate will be recognized for their efforts. 




Thank you for your participation!

















Estimado Padres:


Nos da mucho gusto presentar nuestra primera “Escuela Capistrano Feria de Ciencias!


La Feria de Ciencias se llevara al cabo el 26 de enero 2018. Su proyecto debe ser entregado a su maestra el 22 de enero 2018.


Su proyecto debe seguir “el proceso científico”. Debe incluir lo siguente:


  1. Pregunta: Que es lo que quiero averiguar?
  2. Hipótesis: Que pienso que es lo que va a pasar? Adivina cual piensas que va a ser la respuesta a tu pregunta?
  3. Materiales: Que objetos necesito para completar mi experimento?
  4. Procedimiento: Que pasos tomare para realizar mi experimento? Tienen por lo menos un mínimo de 5 pasos.
  5. Resultados: Que es lo que de hecho pasó en el experimento? Anota todas las observaciones. (Se necesitan incluir tablas, graficas o ilustraciones).
  6. Conclusión: Fue tú hipótesis original correcta o no? Contesto tu experimento tu pregunta original? Que podrías hacer distinto para mejorar el experimento?


Este paquete de información le ayudara y le dará ideas a su hijo sobre su experimento. Incluye ideas del experimento, una rúbrica de calificación y un ejemplo de cómo debe ser una tabla de ciencias terminado.


A los padres de familia les exhortamos que ayuden a sus hijos con este proyecto y experimento de ciencias, como comprar los materiales y diseñar ideas. Sin embargo, los estudiantes necesitan hacer y escribir la mayoría del trabajo.


Les agradecemos su participación!













My Oral Presentation for my Science Project


My name is _____________________________________________.


I am in the _________ grade at ______________________ School.


The title of my project is __________________________________________________________.


The QUESTION I asked was




The HYPOTHESIS I formed was




The PROCEDURE I used to test my hypothesis was:


  1. _________________________________________________________________
  2. _________________________________________________________________
  3. _________________________________________________________________
  4. _________________________________________________________________
  5. _________________________________________________________________
  6. _________________________________________________________________
  7. _________________________________________________________________


I repeated this procedure ____________ time to make certain that my results were valid.


The RESULTS showed that my HYPOTHESIS was ____________________________________.


The CONCLUSION I reached was ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.


If I were to do this investigation again, I would___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.